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Naruto Dobókocka Game Ninja Arena

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12 590 Ft

Várható kézbesítés: 03.26. - 03.27.


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Naruto Ninja Arena Light Edition is a fast-paced dice game for 2-4 players with approximately 15 minutes of game play per round and 4 playable characters. Naruto : Ninja Arena is the first game using the Roll and Clash system. During the game, you throw your dice as quickly as you can and use the results to activate Techniques without stopping the game. Everyone plays at the same time in a frantic battle to be the last Ninja Standing! The Chunin exams are in full swing ! This is a great opportunity for Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Shikamaru to spar in frenzied bouts and practice mastery of their TECHNIQUES and special POWERS. The young Ninja will use their skills to the best of their ability and try to bring down their rivals by inflicting DAMAGE that will add up to WOUNDS, KNOCK OUTS or even worse, final elimination. *This Light Edition is the same game as the Deluxe Edition but with only 4 different characters from the anime instead of 9 and in a smaller box. English and French version.



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